We had beautiful September lambs, 2016.

We had beautiful September lambs, 2016.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Spring Fever.

The extraordinarily warm weather continues in Iowa.  Its January 6, 2012, and it's 50+ degrees outside.  Until about an hour ago, it was also sunny with clear blue skies.  I finally covered my roses, for the winter, this past week. That was because we had a couple of cold days and nights, re: below freezing during the day.  There was actually one overnight and a day where it was about 8 degrees windchill. I have really come to love this new type of Iowa winter.  Its like the earth has shifted us to Middle Missouri's longitudinal line.  I like that ... Middle Missouri .... kinda like the Middle Earth, of Lord of the Rings.  Not that I want to live in Missouri, but its "habitability" in January, is typically nicer than Iowa. That's were I want to live in winter ... no snow, sunny days and average temps at about 50-60 degrees.

The only problem I see with this type of winter, is that Spring Fever sets in much earlier.  To exacerbate the condition, seed catalogs began arriving in the middle of December.  And poultry hatcheries already have their new prices, with chick availability, listed online. (I swear! I am only hatching chicks this year!!!!)  I've already plotted my 2012 garden on paper and have "saved" the tomato seed varieties I plan to order and grow this season.  Until then, to appease my desires, I'm actually planning to bring the small greenhouse down from the guestroom and put it on the sunporch so I can start some plants for the garden, re: tomato seeds, peppers, whatever ... that are currently in my seed container.  I guess I should say, containers. I have three of them now. Overflowing with seeds from seasons past.  Some years I've considered tilling a space out back, then scattering the mix of old seeds to the wind --- just to see what happens.  I mean, you can't just throw old seeds away, can you? You have to plant them so they have a chance, too... to grow and produce, and feel the sun, rain and wind on their leaves? Does all of this sound like a sickness to you? Sigh. I suppose some would think so.  Is that why the spring affliction has "fever"  in its label?  Maybe.  But I think it is a much better addiction than lots of other things out there, right? In fact, I think everyone should grow something - every year, every season, indoors and out. Seeing a blooming gerbera daisy on the sunporch is a wonderful step towards a wonderful day.    Spring fever ... feed it.

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