We had beautiful September lambs, 2016.

We had beautiful September lambs, 2016.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumn Equinox

At 4:05 a.m. (central time), summer officially transitioned into Autumn. Autumn came quitely this year.  No wind.  No sudden deep freeze that blackens the already browned tops of the remaining garden plants.  No snow or storm warnings.  Autumn came as a beautifully calm and sunny morning. A windows-can-be-opened morning. An I-can-smell-leaves-mingled-with-brewing-coffee morning.  A Midwestern-Living-cover-photo morning.  A morning where I get to be home.  Right now.  Sitting at my computer and taking it all in.  When I opened up the barn and let animals out, they too, had the same look of joy on their faces that I saw when I looked in the mirror this morning.  One of awe, in response to such a perfect start to my favorite season.  Autumn at Sunny Silver Maple Farm, the perfect time to continue checking things off of that naggingly long list of things to do. On a day like to day, though, its a pleasure, not a chore.

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