We had beautiful September lambs, 2016.

We had beautiful September lambs, 2016.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Counting down the days.

In the past couple of days I feel like we've accomplished a lot.  On Thursday we had our clipping-a-goat instruction - THANK YOU Robin W.- and as a result, got Bouquet done.  Last night we clipped Babysbreath on our own.  I don't have a milking/grooming stand so wasn't sure what we'd use or how we'd get her to stand still.  I dug an old child's table out of the shed and stood her on it, expecting her to jump right off.  But, she didn't!  In fact she just stood there, periodically looking over her shoulder at me, to see what I was doing.  :)  Ada stood by in case she had to help catch her, but she was fine. Both goat kids still need a bath though - which is on today's list of things-to-do.

We also need to start  "fitting" Katrina.  I've learned what "fitting" means: trim the bleached and faded wool that's exposed, wipe off mud/dirt/poop with a damp rag, then "fluff" the wool that's been covered with her coat, so the wool all looks even.  And, Ada needs to continue walking Katrina a lot, so she's attached to Ada like a magnet and stands nice. 

Final dilemma? How to get Katrina to the fair.  I have until early Wednesday morning to figure that one out .... everyone wish me luck!

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